
Our research

2024 | Cell Death & Differentiation

Bridging tissue repair and epithelial carcinogenesis: epigenetic memory and field cancerization

Levra Levron C, Elettrico L, Duval C, Piacenti G, Proserpio V, Donati G

2023 | Trends in Cell Biology

Multiplicity of stem cell memories of inflammation and tissue repair in epithelia

Levra Levron C, G Donati

2023 | Developmental Cell

Molecular and spatial landmarks of early mouse skin development

Jacob T , Annusver K , Czarnewski P , Dalessandri T , Kalk C , Levra Levron C , Sanz NC , Kastriti ME , Mikkola ML , Rendl M , Lichtenberger BM , Donati G , Björklund AK , Kasper M

2023 | iScience

Comparison of antiviral responses in two bat species reveals conserved and divergent innate immune pathways

Schneor L, Kaltenbach S, Friedman S, Tussia-Cohen D, Nissan Y, Shuler G , Fraimovitch E, Kolodziejczyk AA , Weinberg M , Donati G, Teeling EC , Yovel Y, Hagai T

2023 | Nature Cell Biology

Tissue memory relies on stem cell priming in distal undamaged areas

Levra Levron C, Watanabe M, Proserpio V, Piacenti G, Lauria A, Kaltenbach S, Tamburrini A, Nohara T , Anselmi F, Duval C , Elettrico L , Donna D, Conti L, Baev D, Natsuga K, Hagai T, Oliviero S, Donati G

2023 | Nature communications

DNMT3B supports meso-endoderm differentiation from mouse embryonic stem cells

Lauria A, Meng G, Proserpio V, Rapelli S, Maldotti M, Polignano IL, Anselmi F, Incarnato D , Krepelova A , Donna D , Levra Levron C , Donati G , Molineris I, Neri F , Oliviero S

2022 | Cell Reports

Inflammaging is driven by upregulation of innate immune receptors and systemic interferon signaling and is ameliorated by dietary restriction

Rasa SMM, Annunziata F, Krepelova A, Nunna S, Omrani O, Gebert N, Adam L, Käppel S, Höhn S, Donati G, Jurkowski TP, Rudolph KL, Ori A, Neri F

2022 | Immune Receptors

Single-Cell Sequencing for Everybody

Proserpio V, Duval C, Falvo V, Donati G, Oliviero S

2021 | Journal of Investigative Dermatology

Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Stabilizes Hemidesmosomes in Keratinocytes

Kosumi H, Watanabe M, Shinkuma S, Nohara T, Fujimura Y, Tsukiyama T, Donati G, Iwata H, Nakamura H, Ujiie H, Natsuga K

2021 | EMBO Reports

Hair follicle stem cell progeny heal blisters while pausing skin development

Fujimura Y, Watanabe M, Ohno K, Kobayashi Y, Takashima S, Nakamura H, Kosumi H, Wang Y, Mai Y, Lauria A, Proserpio V, Ujiie H, Iwata H, Nishie W, Nagayama M, Oliviero S, Donati G, Shimizu H, Natsuga K

2021 | EMBO Reports

Fibrotic enzymes modulate wound-induced skin tumorigenesis

Van Hove L, Lecomte K, Roels J, Vandamme N, Vikkula HK, Hoorens I, Ongenae K, Hochepied T, Donati G, Saeys Y, Quist SR, Watt FM, van Loo G, Hoste E

2020 | Nature Communications

Contribution of GATA6 to homeostasis of the human upper pilosebaceous unit and acne pathogenesis

Oulès B, Philippeos C, Segal J, Tihy M, Vietri Rudan M, Cujba AM, Grange PA, Quist S, Natsuga K, Deschamps L, Dupin N, Donati G, Watt FM

2019 | EMBO Journal

Mutant Lef1 controls Gata6 in sebaceous gland development and cancer

Oulès B, Rognoni E, Hoste E, Goss G, Fiehler R, Natsuga K, Quist S, Mentink R, Donati G, Watt FM.

2017 | Cell Stem Cell

Inflammation Training Prepares Skin Epithelial Stem Cells for Trauma

Proserpio V, Oliviero S, Donati G.

2017 | Elife

Type XVII collagen coordinates proliferation in the interfollicular epidermis

Watanabe M, Natsuga K, Nishie W, Kobayashi Y, Donati G, Suzuki S, Fujimura Y, Tsukiyama T, Ujiie H, Shinkuma S, Nakamura H, Murakami M, Ozaki M, Nagayama M, Watt FM, Shimizu H.

2017 | Nat Cell Biol.

Wounding induces dedifferentiation of epidermal Gata6(+) cells and acquisition of stem cell properties

Donati G, Rognoni E, Hiratsuka T, Liakath-Ali K, Hoste E, Kar G, Kayikci M, Russell R, Kretzschmar K, Mulder KW, Teichmann SA, Watt FM.

2017 | Nat Commun.

A genome-wide screen identifies YAP/WBP2 interplay conferring growth advantage on human epidermal stem cells

Walko G, Woodhouse S, Pisco AO, Rognoni E, Liakath-Ali K, Lichtenberger BM, Mishra A, Telerman SB, Viswanathan P, Logtenberg M, Renz LM, Donati G, Quist SR, Watt FM.

2016 | Genome Biology

Single-cell analysis of CD4+ T-cell differentiation reveals three major cell states and progressive acceleration of proliferation

Proserpio V, Piccolo A, Haim-Vilmovsky L, Kar G, Lönnberg T, Svensson V, Pramanik J, Natarajan KN, Zhai W, Zhang X, Donati G, Kayikci M, Kotar J, McKenzie AN, Montandon R, Billker O, Woodhouse S, Cicuta P, Nicodemi M, Teichmann SA.

2016 | Immunol Cell Biol.

The niche in single-cell technologies

Donati G.

2015 | Cell Stem Cell

Stem cell heterogeneity and plasticity in epithelia

Donati G, Watt FM.

2015 | Nat Commun.

Innate sensing of microbial products promotes wound-induced skin cancer

Hoste E, Arwert EN, Lal R, South AP, Salas-Alanis JC, Murrell DF, Donati G, Watt FM.

2014 | Stem Cell Reports

BLIMP1 is required for postnatal epidermal homeostasis but does not define a sebaceous gland progenitor under steady-state conditions

Kretzschmar K, Cottle DL, Donati G, Chiang MF, Quist SR, Gollnick HP, Natsuga K, Lin KI, Watt FM.

2014 | Cell Stem Cell

Epidermal Wnt/Β-catenin signaling regulates adipocyte differentiation via secretion of adipogenic factors

Donati G, Proserpio V, Lichtenberger BM, Natsuga K, Sinclair R, Fujiwara H, Watt FM.

2013 | PNAS

Spindle checkpoint deficiency is tolerated by murine epidermal cells but not hair follicle stem cells

Foijer F, DiTommaso T, Donati G, Hautaviita K, Xie SZ, Heath E, Smyth I, Watt FM, Sorger PK, Bradley A.

2013 | Cell

Sequence-specific transcription factor NF-Y displays histone-like DNA binding and H2B-like ubiquitination

Nardini M, Gnesutta N, Donati G, Gatta R, Forni C, Fossati A, Vonrhein C, Moras D, Romier C, Bolognesi M, Mantovani R.

June, 2012 | Nat Cell Biol.

Diverse epigenetic strategies interact to control epidermal differentiation

Mulder KW, Wang X, Escriu C, Ito Y, Schwarz RF, Gillis J, Sirokmány G, Donati G, Uribe-Lewis S, Pavlidis P, Murrell A, Markowetz F, Watt FM.

March, 2011 | PLoS One

NF-Y recruits Ash2L to impart H3K4 trimethylation on CCAAT promoters

Fossati A, Dolfini D, Donati G, Mantovani R.

2011 | Cell

The basement membrane of hair follicle stem cells is a muscle cell niche

Fujiwara H, Ferreira M, Donati G, Marciano DK, Linton JM, Sato Y, Hartner A, Sekiguchi K, Reichardt LF, Watt FM.

2010 | Nat Cell Biol.

Actin and serum response factor transduce physical cues from the microenvironment to regulate epidermal stem cell fate decisions

Connelly JT, Gautrot JE, Trappmann B, Tan DW, Donati G, Huck WT, Watt FM.

2008 | PLoS One

An NF-Y-dependent switch of positive and negative histone methyl marks on CCAAT promoters

Donati G, Gatta R, Dolfini D, Fossati A, Ceribelli M, Mantovani R.